Looking to Buy a Home?

Can’t Qualify for a Loan?

We Sell Homes with Seller Financing and We Can Approve You!

Your Down Payment is Proof Enough

Most lenders want to see your job history, pay stubs, run your credit, see your bank statements, etc. We have built our business selling homes to what we call “Penalty Box Buyers”, normal people that have taken a hit to their credit due to bankruptcy or divorce as well as doctors, dentists, business owners, and the like that for very good reasons look to minimize their tax liability and show minimal income at the end of the year but now cannot get approved for the home they want. We are willing to overlook most situations that traditional banks cannot and instead, we focus on only 2 factors- your ability to make the monthly payments and the loan to value of the property that you are buying. Most of the time, if you have the ability to save up a significant down payment, that shows us that you have income in excess of your monthly expenses and allows you to purchase a home with equity right from the start. How much money can you put down?

Tells Us What You’re Looking For

Our waiting list for our buyers is typically about 2 months long. So, if you are in a situation where you have been turned down for a traditional loan or do not want to hassle with a traditional loan but are not quite ready to buy yet because you are still saving up your down payment or waiting on some other factor, join our waiting list right away! We will reach out to you to find out specifically what you are looking for so that we can keep an eye out for the right home for you.

Enter your information on this page to join our buyers list. You can also call us at (661) 338-6618.

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