What is a Private Real Estate Investor?

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A Private Real Estate Investor or Private Money Lender is someone who passively invests in real estate transactions by funding all or part of the transaction. Paperwork Investments teaches people how to increase their wealth through our Private Investor Program. Most people think that in order to invest in real estate, they have to have hundreds of thousands of dollars just lying around. That could not be further from the truth. We teach our investors how to access funds that are earning minimal returns such as an IRA or 401k, pension, etc. without incurring penalties or additional taxes then using those funds to get 10 to 12% returns.

These days, most investments are not even outpacing inflation so, in actuality, you are losing money every single day. If you would like to learn more about obtaining truly passive income by investing alongside us, fill our the form on our investors page of send us an email to [email protected]


Just kidding, we don’t need any small print here.

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