What’s Your WHY?

Before finding your why, building a business is just work… But once you find your WHY, the work has purpose. Around here, we talk a lot about finding freedom. For some people, freedom is their why. They just want to be free of many different things… their job, their boss, their time deficit, their financial restrictions. But for most people, finding freedom […]

Is your “STUFF” becoming too much to handle?

How to sell a house with hoarding tendencies. Approximately 1 in 50 people suffer from the tendency to collect “STUFF”. Many of them can no longer use their home or parts of their home for it’s intended purpose. Does your home have so much clutter that you can no longer use your kitchen or bedrooms? […]

What is a Private Real Estate Investor?

A Private Real Estate Investor or Private Money Lender is someone who passively invests in real estate transactions by funding all or part of the transaction. Paperwork Investments teaches people how to increase their wealth through our Private Investor Program. Most people think that in order to invest in real estate, they have to have […]